sabato, settembre 12, 2020

Review: Shadows in Death

Shadows in Death Shadows in Death by J.D. Robb
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book should have had the honor of being the 50th in this series because it is really good. As usual when the story is good in "In Death", it has to do with the past of Eve or Roarke, as in this case.
Very fast paced and well written, looking forward to the next one, who is counting anymore anyway....

Questo avrebbe dovuto essere il cinquantesimo volume della serie, perché é veramente bello, come al solito perché ha a che fare con il passato di Eve o di Roarke, come in questo caso. La tensione resta sempre alta e la storia regge, mi metto ad aspettare il prossimo e ormai, chi conta piú?

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