lunedì, maggio 27, 2019

Review: This Is Your Brain On Music: Understanding A Human Obsession

This Is Your Brain On Music: Understanding A Human Obsession This Is Your Brain On Music: Understanding A Human Obsession by Daniel J. Levitin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

As usual my super huge expectations didn't help me to appreciate the book as I should, as a little excuse I have to say that as a amateur musician who started to learn a new instrument at 40 I was a little bit pissed off and as a neuroscience aficionados, there were not so much stuff that I didn't know, plus the author rambles a lot. I think it would have been better when there were some sort of playlist on youtube, that we could have follow to switch immediately to audio mode while we were reading the book or more brain related pictures and not only on the appendix, but still it was a worthy reading.

Come al solito le mie aspettative troppo alte non mi hanno aiutato ad appezzare il libro come avrei potuto, ma sicuramente da musicista per hobby che ha iniziato a suonare il clarinetto a 40 anni, é possibile che non avrei comunque gradito l'informazione che dopo i 20 anni non c'é trippa per gatti. Inoltre c'era poco contenuto per quanto riguarda la parte neuropsicologica e secondo me troppe chiacchiere dell'autore. Magari anche una piccola playlist su youtube da ascoltare in contemporanea con la lettura del libro avrebbe aiutato e anche qualche immagine migliore del cervello. A parte questo, valeva la pena leggerlo.

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