My rating: 4 of 5 stars
First thing first I love Holly from Finders Keepers and when almost in the middle of the book she makes her apparition I was so glad that this book immediately got one more stars just because of her presence. Second, there were three stars at the beginning, mostly because I think that S.King could have found a more real culprit, and I Would have loved the book a lot more. Still, it happened to me for the first time after ages, that I had to close the book while I was at home alone, because I was terrorized. In the end it was eventually a good S. King book.
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I didn't like this book because I found it absolutely false, There was something in the interaction between the character, the childish way they were acting around each other and the story of the messages that sounded to my ears absolutely unbelievable and that was enough.
Questo libro non mi é piaciuto perché non solo la trama era piuttosto scontata con tutti quei messaggini, ma soprattutto le interazioni tra i due personaggi ed i loro puerili atteggiamenti ogni volta che stavano assieme in qualche modo mi ha impedito di apprezzare il romanzo.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a serious manual for botanist, but it can be read also be gardner wannabee like me, in a superficial way or just in regard of the plants that are we treating in that moment. It is very detailed and full of useful instructions to grow your plants inside (a house, a closet, whatever)..
Questo é un vero e proprio manuale per botanici, ma puó essere apprezzato anche da giardinieri in erba come me, perché si puó leggere a diversi livelli di approfondimento, o anche leggere solo la parte sulla pianta che ci interessa. È piena di informazioni utili ed interessanti per crescere piante all'interno (di casa, di un armadio, dove vi pare).
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a great book with a slow beginning, but as it was the second I read by Naomi Novik, this time I wasn't particularly worried as I was when I read Uprooted, and I was right, The plot slowly begins to unravel and it gets better and better, such a powerful women were involved that it was a pleasure to read about their brilliant mind instead that reading about their long legs and boobs ;) It is a must read!
Questo é stato un bel libro con un inizio lento, ma siccome era giá il secondo libro che leggevo della Novik un po' me lo aspettavo ed ero molto meno preoccupata della volta che stavo leggendo Uprooted e non ce la facevo ad andare avanti fino a quando non sono riuscita a smettere di leggerlo, ed é stato così anche stavolta. La trama si dipana lentamente fino a diventare piena di donne meravigliose e tostissime, che era un piacere leggere delle loro menti brillanti invece che delle loro tette e culi. Da non perdere!
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
As a long time reader of Palahniuk, I was ready to forgive him almost everything, but I think that this time he went a step too far.
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