sabato, agosto 03, 2024

Optimum Nutrition for the Mind: Learn How to Boost Your IQ, Improve Your Mood and Emotional Stability, Sharpen Your Memory, and Keep Your Mind Young by Patrick Holford

Optimum Nutrition for the Mind: Learn How to Boost Your IQ, Improve Your Mood and Emotional Stability, Sharpen Your Memory, and Keep Your Mind Young

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There was really nothing new in this book, it seemed to me a sort of summing up everything I read in this last year about brain and nutrition, but I have to say that If you have read nothing about this subject, this could be the right one to start with.

Per quanto mi riguarda non c'era scritto niente di particolarmente innovativo in questo libro, che in pratica riassume quanto detto su cervello ed alimentazione negli ultimi 5 anni almeno, ma se invece non avete mai letto niente a riguardo, cominciare da questo mega riassuntone, potrebbe essere utile e risparmiarvi ulteriori letture.

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