sabato, maggio 27, 2023

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I liked this book a lot, even if she was so naive that as a former boy scout I kept on reading just because I was sure she was not death (as she wrote this memoir), but still it was really scary all the many ways she was not ready for this journey. But she did it, and mostly out of sheer determination, so, in a way I envied her because it really takes a strong woman to do that. Go Cheryl, you are an example!

Mi è piaciuto parecchio questo libro, anche se come ex boy scout, tutti i modi in cui lei non era assolutamente pronta per questo viaggio mi hanno quasi terrorizzato, ho continuato a leggere solo perché, con il libro tra le mani ero sicura che non fosse morta...Ma ce l'ha fatta, e la maggior parte guidata solo da una determinazione piú o meno assoluta e ci vuole una donna forte per fare quello che ha fatto lei. Vai Cheryl, sei un esempio!

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