martedì, maggio 23, 2023

All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders

All the Birds in the SkyAll the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I'm so sorry to say that, in the end, this book was such a disappointment....The first part was really enjoyable and I read it at a fast pace, but the last two hundred pages almost killed me, because they were so boring and it seemed to me that the author didn't have the solution to end the book and she was writing casually. And after years of Shannara I can't stand speaking trees anymore I have to admit, so I take all the responsability.

Devo ammettere che questo libro, che sembrava cosí carino all'inizio, mi ha annoiato a morte e mi ha deluso dopo le prime duecento pagine; per finirlo sono quasi stramazzata dalla noia e avevo la netta impressione che l'autrice stesse procedendo a caso per prove ed errori, come se lei per prima non avesse pronto il finale. Inoltre dopo anni di Shannara gli alberi parlanti non li sopporto proprio, quindi é tutta colpa mia e non della scrittrice.

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