lunedì, maggio 24, 2021

Raising a Healthy, Happy Eater: A Parent’s Handbook: A Stage-by-Stage Guide to Setting Your Child on the Path to Adventurous Eating by Nimali Fernando, Melanie Potock

Raising a Healthy, Happy Eater: A Parent’s Handbook: A Stage-by-Stage Guide to Setting Your Child on the Path to Adventurous EatingRaising a Healthy, Happy Eater: A Parent’s Handbook: A Stage-by-Stage Guide to Setting Your Child on the Path to Adventurous Eating by Nimali Fernando
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a real useful book if you have kids and you are struggling to make them eat and not being too picky. From the beginning to the school time, the author offers easy suggestion and tips to help you and your kids to appreciate "good food" and variety. I would recommend it to every family.

Libro veramente molto utile se avete figli e state combattendo per farli mangiare il piú vario e sano possibile. Dalla nascita fino all'entrata nel mondo della scuola, l'autrice offre facili trucchi e suggerimenti per aiutarvi e ad aiutare i bambini ad apprezzare il cibo sano e non sempre lo stesso.


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