giovedì, settembre 29, 2022

Review: Everything Is OK

Everything Is OK Everything Is OK by Debbie Tung
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really appreciate this author for describing in an immediate and understandable way, the feelings that plague us when we are depressed. I think a book like this, more than many TV shows, is able to convey the importance of seeking help in a situation like this.

Apprezzo molto questa autrice per aver descritto in una maniera immediata e comprensibile, i sentimenti che ci affliggono quando siamo depressi. Penso che un libro come questo, piú di molte trasmissioni televisive, sia in grado di veicolare l'importanza di cercare aiuto in una situazione come questa.

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

View all my reviews

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