My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The adult version of this book was not so much appreciated by me, it seemed a sort of blasphemy, but this child version is way better in my opinion and the books they enlist, are really interesting and I'm trying to find some of them, even if it's mostly directed to English/American public.
La versione "adulta" di questo libro, non mi era piaciuta per niente, anzi, mi sembrava a tratti "blasfema", questa invece, l'ho trovata migliore e anche i libri che elencano sono piú interessanti e mi sono messa subito alla ricerca di alcuni di essi, nonostante siano diretti quasi esclusivamente ad un pubblico anglo/americano.
Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food by Jan Chozen Bays
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Not the first book that I read about eating mindfulness, but in my opinion one of the best explained and I really appreciate the chapter related to children. Learning to understand our different hungers could really make the difference in our behavior towards food.
Non il primo libro che leggo sull'argomento, ma sicuramente uno di quelli spiegati meglio ed inoltre il capitolo sulla mindfulness con i bambini e la loro alimentazione é uno dei piú chiari. Imparare a discernere tra i nostri diversi tipi di fame, potrebbe veramente fare la differenza nella nostra alimentazione e nei nostri comportamenti nei confronti del cibo.
Psychedelic Medicine: The Healing Powers of LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin, and Ayahuasca by Richard Louis Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The controversial topic of psychedelic drugs/medicine is here handled trough a series of interview made by Dr. Richard Miller to some experts of the field. What emerges is a very difficult field of research because managing that type of drugs goes with a lot of problem of management. There are some very interesting information but it seems being able to apply what emerges it will take ages because of the law limitations. The strict relationship between medicine, politic and law are in this subject so intertwined that it doesn't depend in the end on the state of the art.
The Big, Bad Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
The line between courting and stalking is very thin and sometimes not easy to recognize, so I had mixed feelings about this book even if in the end everybody got their happy ending.
La linea tra il corteggiamento e lo stalking a volte é molto sottile, questa é la ragione per cui questo libro mi ha lasciato sentimenti contrastanti anche se alla fine, come da copione, c'é stato il lieto fine.
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