My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I still have not read all the books in this series, but as I have almost read 35 of them, I am sorry to say that this one disappointed me. It was not a big disappointment, it was still an Eve and Roarke story, but it was slow and the culprit was pretty clear from almost the beginning and in a way it was not what are we used to and expect from J.D.Robb. I will keep on reading anyway :)
Anche se non ho ancora letto tutti i libri di questa serie, credo di aver superato i 35 e mi dispiace dire che questo mi ha deluso, non in maniera drammatica, per caritá, resta una storia di Eve e Roarke, ma era lenta e il colpevole era piuttosto evidente sin dall'inizio e....insomma, non era quello che uno si aspetta da J.D.Robb. Non smetteró comunque di leggere la serie, sia chiaro :)
Thanks St.Martin Press for the preview!
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