lunedì, maggio 26, 2014

From Frazzled to Focused: The Ultimate Guide for Moms Who Want to Reclaim Their Time, Their Sanity and Their Lives by Rivka Caroline

From Frazzled to Focused: The Ultimate Guide for Moms Who Want to Reclaim Their Time, Their Sanity and Their Lives

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Cute book, but clearly if you are a disorganized and a mom who has no time, certainly you do not go finding a book before wasting time to search for it and then read it. For people like me, who has plenty of time, but not so many rooms to clean up and not so many children to look after, it was interesting and definitely has given me many ideas, tips and tricks.

Libro carino, ma chiaramente se tu sei una mamma disorganizzata e che non ha tempo, di certo non ti metti a cercare un libro perdendo tempo prima a trovarlo e poi a leggerlo. Per chi come me invece ha tanto tempo, ma non cosí tante stanze da ripulire né tanti figli da accudire, é stato interessante e sicuramente mi ha offerto molti spunti.


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