giovedì, marzo 10, 2016

Reaver (Lords of Deliverance, #5; Demonica, #10) by Larissa Ione

Reaver  (Lords of Deliverance, #5; Demonica, #10)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It was ok, a little bit of confusion, but in the end everyangel got his/her happy ending and now we have a new book to wait for, which is good because I toughts this was going to be the last one of this series and I was a little bit sorry about that.

Caruccio, un po' confuso, ma alla fine ogni angelo ha avuto il lieto fine e io anche un nuovo libro da aspettare, che tutto sommato va bene, perché pensavo davvero fosse l'ultimo di questa serie e mi dispiaceva.

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